Saturday, October 22, 2016

a colour study / 01.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

I love the way that certain colours compliment each other, how one persons view of a colour or shade can be completely different to your own.
I have always been interested in colour composition, when I was younger I would often colour code things like my bookshelf or my stationary etc (I'm sure I wasn't the only one). As someone who enjoys styling, designing and creating, colour is such a big part of what I notice in everyday things, I am constantly looking for new combinations to fall in love with. This is why I've decided to start a series here on the blog all about colour.

I took these pictures in the holidays of my lovely friend Martha using the Lumix G7 with a 25mm lens and I'm super pleased with how they turned out. It was a pretty overcast day, the sky was this perfect grey to white shade at about midday and although I love shadows for me this was the perfect lighting for the kind of portrait I was looking for.
One of my favourite colour combinations is pink and green, it's pretty much my whole aesthetic (shocker!) After looking at these photos I felt that despite the pink they looked a little washed out especially because I'd heavily desaturated them. So I decided to look at the way the green from a picture I had of the mandarin tree at the vineyard looked with the pink of Martha's jumper.

I'm a very new photoshop user so I'm still getting used to it but coming from hardly any editing software at all, just wow. I've become especially obsessed with just swatching a whole bunch of colours from my images and playing around with colour blocking etc.
I am really pleased with how the end photos came out and I just love the olive-y green that I took from one of the leaves on the mandarin tree with the pink from Martha's jumper. Although I would consider myself to be quite a minimalist when it comes to colours (black, white and grey - hello) I've really been feeling rusty oranges, greens and yellows recently so I'm just gonna go with it and I'm sure you'll be seeing more of them around here soon!
Let me know what colours you've been loving lately.

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