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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Wanganui Colour Study
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
If you read this blog then you're probably well and truly sick of seeing colour study posts, again and again. I'm sorry, I just love them! This one has to be my favourite yet, I'm obsessed with all of the different colour and texture combinations and I hope that as I slowly educate myself on the workings of Photoshop you don't judge my cutting and pasting too harshly!
After the celebrations of my eighteenth birthday, which spanned across several joyful days, I made the familiar trip up to Wanganui with my grandmother for a few nights. As you may possibly know, I have a beautiful, inspirational and very glamorous 97-year-old great grandmother living on her own in Wanganui. We don't get to visit her nearly as much as we want to, so I figured this would be the perfect opportunity to get some quality time with her and my grandmother before Christmas. We embarked on our journey early Thursday morning, stopping off at op shops and Savemarts along the way. I found a ton of great stuff for the store, so keep your eyes peeled for that.
As we drove through Otaki on the way there, we both spotted the cutest little yellow caravan for sale, parked just off the road. Obviously, I was quick to whip out my phone and start snapping away, but under closer examination, we realised that it was actually for sale. Although I literally do not have anywhere near enough money to actually buy it, I would've sold my soul. This 1967 beauty had been fully renovated, with a new yellow and brown paint job, orange glass windows and an interior completely fitting with its original era. It was so dang cute.
I did quickly discover that I hadn't packed appropriately with my giant denim jacket and multiple pairs of long pants as it was so bloody hot. But I'm not complaining, bring on Summer! Our trip to Wanganui consisted of many games of Scrabble and somewhat confusing hands at poker. We ate tasty food, drank gin and tonic, visited many op shops and I even got a chance to take some photos with my camera for the first time in ages. As you may have seen on my Insta story, I was completely amazed and so impressed by the amount of vintage stock at the Wanganui Savemart. If you're an avid Savemart visitor then you've probably noticed their usually small and abysmal 'retro' section, where you'd be lucky to find something that isn't crazy overpriced and covered in stains. But Wanganui was the exception. There I found an entire isle, the length of the Savemart absolutely brimming with beautiful vintage and retro pieces and it was cheap!! So, you can bet I picked up so many stunning bits for the store that you're all going to love!
For me, family time is so important. Especially at this time in my life where I have no idea how much longer I'll be in Wellington for. So it was lovely to get some quality time with my grandmother's and a great bonus to pick up bags and bags of thrifted clothing to sell! I'm also super pleased with these photos, several pairings in particular that I think work really well and it was so fun to edit and create. I'd love to hear your thoughts, which edit is your favourite?
As always, thanks for stopping by :))
Bella 🌼
Bella Foster | BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio
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