Wednesday, June 5, 2019

The Colour Study - 5th June

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Today I took four buses, went to eight thrift stores and ate one Tim-tam biscuit brownie slice. It's been raining since I woke up, but I decided that I wouldn't let that stop me from getting outside and going for an adventure.

I used to hate being alone, I found it utterly boring, being alone with my own thoughts and nobody to keep me company. But since leaving school, I've had to practice enjoying that alone time, because there is so much of it. I spend the majority of my week by myself until my family comes home after work. I see my friends and Ben on the weekend but Bella time has become the new norm. However, I'm actually starting to enjoy it. I actually like planning my day, sticking my headphones in and having complete control over where I go and what I get up to.

I took my first bus to Newtown and visited the thrift stores, including the very new Aunty Dana's Op Shop that opened on Saturday. It's so great to see more second-hand clothing stores emerging around Wellington. I stopped by the post office, got my hair very wet in the rain and then hopped on my next bus to town.

I was learning how to drive earlier this year and planned on getting my restricted licence, but slowly the habit started fizzling out. I find driving stressful and ultimately unenjoyable, especially when it's with a driving instructor who constantly tells you about his wife's cancer treatments. I've come to the conclusion that although it can be inconvenient, claustrophobic and a bit icky, I'll just take the bus. I quite like being driven around, because I can sit back and watch the world go by, people watching as each wet and soggy person ambles onto the bus. Plus, I'm nosy and what better way to catch random pieces of conversation from people you'll probably never see again in your life. I enjoy imagining what their houses look like or if they're a dog or a cat person. Is that weird?

Then I finally arrived in Karori after being squished next to a man in a big puffy coat for what seemed like an hour (yes-I love the bus...) It was freezing and I was very wet, but I made my way around four more op-shops before calling in quits. I resided in a small cake shop that was playing a very old radio station and enjoyed a decadent Tim-tam slice. This would not usually be my first choice, in fact, I don't actually like Tim-tams. But, it looked amazing and it tasted even better.

The bus ride home was my favourite, it was long and peaceful, I sat at the very back of the bus and stared out the window at the soaking streets of Wellington. It was a good day. It was one of those days that I'll probably forget in a year or two because it wasn't all that important. But at least I left the house.

Bella 🌼

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