Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Savemart Masterton Purchases

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

While on my weekend trip to the Wairarapa I knew that I needed to stop by the Savemart store in Masterton because it is simply the best. If you're a fellow Kiwi op shopper then you'll know what I mean when I say that Savemart generally isn't all that good. Maybe that's just because the more local stores have been picked through. Or possibly just the volume of clothing in them makes it difficult to pick out the treasures. But the Savemart in Masterton is the exception.

Ben and I searched through the racks for an hour and I ended up with a pretty good haul of a pair of pants, two knits, two shirts, a hat and a scarf. I also picked up a small woollen plaid blanket which I've used in these pictures, it's a really nice golden colour and will be great for my photo backdrops!

I find a place like Savemart to be particularly intimidating, I simply don't even know where to start. But, I think I've worked out a plan of action that works quite well if I'm restricted by time. I start with their retro section, which is usually pretty disappointing, but worth a look anyway. Then I move onto hats, bags and belts, it only takes a general scan of this section to work out if there's anything worth looking at. The biggest step of the process is, of course, weeding through the racks of shirts and pants, so tightly packed together that you can barely tell where one item begins and the other ends.

For pants, I tend to scan along the bottom of the rack, pulling out a leg here or a waistband there, if I like the look of them. Because I'm often looking for flared pants it's a lot more productive for me to search by the bottom of the leg, that way I don't waste my time with skinny jeans. When sifting through shirts or dresses my process is one of simply looking for fabrics, patterns or colours that catch my eye. It helps when stores colour coordinate their racks as I know exactly where to look for the pieces I'm after.

My favourite piece from the trip would have to be the bottle green retro flares with gold detailing. They are absolutely stunning but unfortunately are several sizes too small for me, so I'll be selling them to a lucky buyer on my Depop store soon. The material is super soft and in the best green colour and they flare out massively at the bottom, which I love. Keep your eyes peeled for these epic pants on my store through 'The Retro Collection' coming soon!

I also love the pink paisley mesh shirt, which I bought for myself. It's such a nice 90s does 70s piece and fits me perfectly. I'm super excited to list the massive black and orange flame shirt on my Depop soon too, it's an epic find and such a good trend piece that I know buyers will love. That's why it always pays to check in the men's section for finds like this one. Another great find was the fluffy brown angora beret! I love angora hats and have sold two berets of this material on my store previously, so I know other people like them too.

If you have your eye on any of these pieces feel free to message me for more details, or simply wait for them to be uploaded to my Depop store in the near future.
See my store here.

Bella 🌼

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